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Six Senses Zighy Bay Creates Carbon Neutral Rate for Environmentally Conscious Travelers

The resort in Oman has partnered with Co2nsensus to offset the carbon produced during a guest stay at no additional cost to the traveler

For travelers who want to get away but are also conscious of its impact on the environment, Six Senses Zighy Bay in Oman has come up with the perfect guilt-free solution.

With sustainability already very much embedded throughout the all-villa resort, it has now partnered with Co2nsensus, a British company that works on measuring and offsetting the carbon emissions produced from guest's stays, a first for the GCC.

After calculating the amount of carbon produced per guest per night, the resort has pledged to donate USD 10 per room night to a Wind Power plant-based in Balıkesir, Turkey, at no additional cost to the traveler. A gold standard project, the plant reduces the amount of Co2 emitted to the environment by 55,370 tonnes per year, helping power the local community in a sustainable way while also meeting four of the UN's sustainability goals.

For those wanting to go one step further to ensure that future generations will be able to explore the world in the way they did, visitors will also be offered the opportunity to offset their flights to the resort separately.

The Carbon Neutral package joins many other established environmental and social initiatives at the resort, including the recycling of 80 percent of waste on-site, diving deep to clean up the Gulf of Oman, growing fresh produce for its restaurants in the organic farm and garden, and contributing to the local communities access to education and healthcare.

Gauderic Harang, General Manager at Six Senses Zighy Bay, said: "Six Senses is all about innovation and doing things differently, and perhaps our greatest achievement is about finding new ways to protect the planet. By offering this Carbon Neutral rate, guests can be assured that their stay with us is at no cost to the environment.

We can't wait for like-minded guests to join us in our efforts, and we look forward to sharing with them the work we do, of course between relaxing and enjoying the serenity that our resort brings".

Speaking about the partnership, Doğuş Çoruh, Product Manager at Co2nsensus, said: "Climate change and other environmental issues are now taking center stage in our lives. As Co2nsensus, we recognize our responsibility to our planet, and so it's an absolute pleasure for us to partner up with Six Senses Zighy Bay on their Carbon Neutral Packages Project.

Six Senses Zighy Bay will be taking initiatives to reduce carbon footprints and offset unavoidable emissions with this eco-conscious project. At the same time, their guests can enjoy a modern environmental and climate-friendly stay.

Notes to Editor:

About Co2nsenus:

CO2nsensus work to create a future where the next generations can inherit the same planet we love dearly. As a climate tech company they help companies and individuals worldwide to achieve net zero carbon footprint with our non-profit VCX and Gold Standard carbon offsetting projects.

How the carbon neutral figure was calculated:

Six Senses Zighy Bay tracks all carbon emissions related to resort operations, from electricity to cooking fuels to vehicle emissions. Best practices in carbon accounting are used, following the GHG Protocol for tracking all Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions. Taking into consideration the guests’ energy consumption from the grid, diesel, LPG and charcoal, each night at Six Senses Zighy Bay produces 0.43 tonnes of carbon.

What’s a gold standard project?

The Gold Standard, or Gold Standard for the Global Goals, is a standard and logo certification mark program for non-governmental emission reductions projects in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), the Voluntary Carbon Market and other climate and development interventions.

It is published and administered by the Gold Standard Foundation, a non-profit foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It was designed with an intent to ensure that carbon credits are real and verifiable and that projects make measurable contributions to sustainable development.

What is the Ay- Yildiz Wind Farm Project?

The Ay- Yildiz wind project is located in the Balıkesir Province and contributes to the development of local industries, allowing for the use of cheaper energy. The project generates sustainable electricity through wind power and feed its back into the Turkish national grid.

The project activity generates “Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Reductions” by avoiding CO2 emissions caused by electricity generation from fossil fuel power plants. The average annual generated energy of 98.7 GWh, will be able to deliver a reduction in emissions of about 55,379 tCO2e (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent) per annum.

Why did we chose this project?

The Ay-Yildiz Wind Farm Project is rated as Gold Standard project, the benchmark for climate and sustainability interventions. Of all projects offered by Co2nsensus it is the closest geographical location to Six Senses Zighy Bay and meets four of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (affordable and clean energy, good jobs and economic growth, climate action and innovation and infrastructure).

Wind energy doesn’t pollute the air or water, and it reduces CO2 emissions by 115 million metric tons each year globally. This is the equivalent of taking 20 million cars off the road. It is easily measured and is a reliable and stable source of green energy in windy locations.


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